Friday, March 22, 2013


11. Why do people create androids?

We have a lot of courses in colleges that relates on creating robots. There are lot reasons on why people create robots/android. It is an application of what we learn in school. Androids are built in machines that contains program to what they should do. They are known for having this “Artificial Intelligence” but it is far different from are intelligence.

In movies, people create androids to have a purpose. In the cartoon series Jetsons, they have a robot that acts as their maid. Also the anime full metal alchemist, the protagonist fight together with the robot and so the robot also serves as a weapon and a protection to the human.

There are positive and negative effects on building androids.  First, we’ll talk about the negative effects. Basically, one truth about it is that people create androids to help them maybe because people nowadays are too lazy to do such work that a robot can do. People may also abuse their capability because androids have this super-human capability like for example, we can easily get tired while a robot has its battery that can be charged anytime. On bad effect also is that manpower skill can be replaced by androids and can lead to create fewer jobs opportunity to people. Next are its positive effects. Having built an android shows the intelligence of a human being because you can apply what you learn. Having androids can fasten the work done easily. They can also be used for some dangerous situations for example, you can send a robot in a field and it can disarm a bomb. They help us to progress more in the field of technology. We have advantages and disadvantages of creating an android. It’s up to us whether when and where we'll we use it.

12.       Do androids have free will?

I guess androids have their will but it is only based on how they were programmed. Unlike humans, we have our own minds to think and choose what we want. They have limited choices on what to do because the code is limited only to set the actions of the android unlike humans that we have time to think and reflect before we do a certain action. Also, androids can’t have their own freedom because they have their master that built them.

I think, if a certain android have done wrong, the blame must not be put in the android but it must the blame must be put to its master. If you have an android, you must be responsible on what it does because no one else it will follow but its master.. We have big differences with the androids. As we respect our fellow human, we must also respect the androids and I think that’s the reason why androids are modeled like humans. They may not have hearts inside them, but as masters, we should also treat them as humans not just like a robot that we see physical.


aigicrvis.(2012)"The Positive and Negative Aspects of Artificial Intelligence".

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Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Story of the Greatest Treasure

The Story of the Greatest Treasure

            “Gorz” in the golden era was known as the strongest and greatest pirate in the world and has the title of “King of Pirates”. He had a son named “Zorg”. Before he was caught by the marines, he proclaimed that he hid the greatest treasure and the promising pirates rejoiced and was eager to find it and become the new title holder of becoming the Pirate King.

            There is this special fruit that can change a human body and can become elemental contain a special power on it like it can turn your body in fire, light, sand, ice, etc. Although other pirates find it to be helpful, the side effect of containing the power is to inability to swim in seawater so there weakness is drowning.

            Before they can achieved it, there as so many obstacles that they will encounter. First, they need to find the map that has a certain path to follow and others have to kill other pirates that blocks their way and in that case, the marines take place to bad pirates.  Marines put a bounty on a certain pirate head on how dangerous he is. With that, the higher the bounty, the dangerous he is. Other pirates intentionally kill other pirates and are proud of having a high bounty because of pride and reputation. Other pirate captains prefer more comrades because they believe the more the better.
            With the journey, they can see things that it is not ordinary and some are believed that are not true like: Sky Island, volcano in a sea, mermaids, legendary dragons, and many more. Some pirates leave their flag in a certain island to symbolize that it is their territory.
                                                                      Sky Island

            There was once this kid named “Murdoc” who dreamt of becoming the pirate king. At first he enjoys himself playing with the other kids: running, eating, climbing the trees and swimming. But one time he saw a different fruit out of his mother’s cabinet. Out of curiosity, he ate it whole and swallowed it. Her mother saw it and got angry of what he have done because the fruit that he ate is a devil fruit. It automatically turned Murdoc’s body into a rubber-like thing. Murdoc cried a lot because he thought that he can’t swim anymore in the rest of his life. With this, it didn’t stop his dream of becoming the King of Pirates. He trained hard a couple of years in forest and city and was able to train how to use his power. When he was 18, he decided to start his journey. He sailed out and got his comrades. Murdoc gathered only seven comrades because he wants to choose the best and strongest comrades. He chose a swordsman, navigator, sniper, doctor, shipwright, musician and a cook. Not only they can do their jobs but they can fight also. They all experience journeying together and was able to get a dragon pet that can fly and that can changes its size. They are different from other pirates because every village that they visit, they help it before they leave their mark.
            There was a time that he was so strong and famous until they come to the place where Gorz was born. They saw his son Zorg wearing a Golden shoes, cape, and necklace with crystals on it which they found out that those were the greatest treasure in the world. The items contain a special power. The problem with Zorg is he abuses the power and became cruel. What Murdoc did was challenged Zorg’s crew to a battle. In the end, Murdoc’s crew won and Murdoc became the King of Pirates.

Influence by the anime One Piece,r:4,s:0,i:167&iact=rc&dur=199&sig=108601305120447725536&page=1&tbnh=194&tbnw=130&start=0&ndsp=34&tx=88&ty=90